Other / Products

(1) High-purity Metal

(1) High-purity Metal

(2) Photocatalyst

(2) Photocatalyst “Renecat”

Other Product line
Other Product line
Our product line ranges from stainless to special metal including rare metal.

(1) Electronic devices, FPD, and optical applications as sputtering target materials
(2) &Deodorant, antibacterial, anti-viral” features by the catalytic effect of visible spray-type products


Other / Our handling Products

Contact Probes
Our handling Products

Features We apply the technology of extra fine spring and pin processing for these precision products.
Usage semiconductor, medical devices

Wire Probes
Wire Probes

Features Tungsten, a kind of metals, combines electrical, mechanical, microfabrication, and cording properties and combinations of these properties address customer needs.
Usage semiconductor probe card